The Interpretation of the “Ten Stages” by the Dilun School in Dunhuang Manuscripts
劉鐔靖 (Tan-ching Liu)

       This article focuses on the meaning of the “ten stages,” based on the Dunhuang manuscripts related to the Dilun School in Zang Wai Di Lun Zong Wen Xian Ji Cheng (藏外地論宗文獻集成). The texts concerning the Dilun interpretation of the “ten stages” include “P.2908: The Four Kinds of Reliance, ” “S.4303: Ten Stages,” “Φ180: Ten Stages” and “P.2832 (bis): Chart of the Dharma-Dhātu.” This article discusses the different interpretations in these texts.


Ten Stages, P.2908, S.4303, Φ(F)180, P.2832